Paper Artist: SHIOYASU Tomoko...

"Water Fall" 2007/paper / h660×w300×d90(cm), Shioyasu Tomoko

Came across this amazing paper artist this morning, Shioyasu Tomoko working in Japan.... There is something about the scale and delicate intricate nature of her work the arrest me. We are kindred spirits of a sort.

"Water Fall" another view...
She expresses her take on enormous energy of the nature by sprawling and precise handwork. Her techniques include: cutting paper with a knife, melting layered synthetic paper with soldering iron and drawing on a synthetic paper which repels water.

See more of Shioyasu work and that of other innovative Japanese artists at the ART COURT GALLERY.  

Also, are you a paper lover? As a member of both national and international paper-making communities, I am excited to share with all my friends a wonderful joint conference opportunity. This coming October 17 - 20, 2012, the Friends of Dard Hunter (FDH) and The International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA), will join together in Cleveland, Ohio for a 5-day international conference hosted by The Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Education Foundation.

This will be a truly unique experience with workshops, demonstrations, exhibits, and events all centered around hand made paper and paper artists from around the world. FDH meets annually somewhere around the continental US. This however is only the second time since I have been making paper that IAPMA has met in North America, as their conference moves around internationally through Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. You can imagine the wealth of diverse work and products that will be represented at a joint conference between the two organizations that boast close to 1,000 members between them. If you are interested in going, please CLICK HERE for registration details.

Keepsakes from former years...
Each year FDH papermakers  create a keepsake portfolio to share techniques. To participate (receive a keepsake) you simply have to create sample sheets for the packets or be an attendant at the conference. This summer I will be busy making miniature snowflakes for the keepsake -- and counting the hours until the conference starts...  Hope to see you there! In fact please contact me if you are planning to go or want more details about past conferences.

Looking forward to experiencing paper makers like Shioyasu, who have found their own unique voice using this very diverse medium.

In the meantime, where ever your feet land....

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