SAVE THE DATES: Join me for a unique lecture series of African American Traditions, at the Morris Museum...


Photographer: O. Florian Jenkins
Celebrating the Origins of African American Art & Craft Traditions 
In conjunction with ATA's 20th Anniversary Celebration, the Morris Museum will host the following lecture series, with 
Artist and Educator: Rosalind Nzinga Nichol MA, BFA 
Adjunct Professor of African American Traditions at Bloomfield College, 
Bloomfield, New Jersey.

Free with admission to Museum
RSVP: Morris Museum | 6 Normandy Heights Road | Morristown, NJ 07960 
Phone: 973.971.3718 | Fax: 973.538.0154 | E-mail:

Portrait by Joshua Johnson of
Grace Allison McCurdy and 
Her Daughters, Mary Jane and
 Letitia Grace, ca. 1804
Session 2 Saturday Feb 25, 2012, 1 - 2 pm: 
FINE ARTS & ARTISTS: From early African American
Masters to the Harlem Renascence and mid twentieth century artists.

It was not until 1939 that the identity of the painter of elite 19th century Baltimoreans was brought to light by art historian and genealogist J. Hall Pleasants. The son of a white father and a black mother, Joshua Johnson was born into slavery around 1763 and freed in 1782... By the time 306 West 141st Street became the defining address of energy and creativity of the Harlem Renaissance, African American artists had been conducting a silent but very visual revolution for more than a century. This second session will survey some of the most noted artist of these eras, from Joshua Johnson through ATA's 2012 featured artist Norman Lewis.

Session 3 Thursday Mar 8th, 2012, 6:30 - 7:30 pm: 
PANEL DISCUSSION: Collecting African American Art 
with art adviser, appraiser and speaker HALIMA TAHA, 
and artist representative, gallery owner, and guest curator TARIN FULLER

Halima Taha
Interested in starting an art collection but don't know how to start? Or just fine tuning the collection you already own. Bring your questions to an open forum panel discussion. A wonderful opportunity to hear art discussed from the artist, adviser/appraiser, and a gallery owner's point of view. Panelist will include: mixed media artist and educator Rosalind Nzinga Nichol, an artist working in various mediums and communities across the country for over forty years; adviser, appraiser and speaker Halima Taha, author of "Collecting African American Art Works on Paper and Canvas" (1998, Crown Publishers); and artist representative, Iandor Fine Arts Galley owner, and guest curator of the 20th Anniversary Exhibition Tarin Fuller, daughter of this upcoming year's featured artist celebrated Abstract Expressionist Norman Lewis (1909-1979). Today is the day to start building your own legacy by collecting arts and crafts to pass through the generations of your family, while supporting the ARTS community at the same time.

*Additional funding for this series by The Links Incorporated, and Craig & Pickett Esqs.

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